New series "What the Bible says"

Don't know what is possessing me to do this, but I'm just going to take the leap.

I am going to read the Bible every day between now and the end of the year and I'm going to blog about what I read. I am not going to rely on any commentaries, I'm not going to talk about the "traditional" meaning. I am going in with the Word and prayer. Then I'm coming back here and talking about what I've read.

Now the catch is that I have already read the Bible. Several times. Already in my brain are ideas about what it says and what it means. It's going to be hard to put that stuff aside and try to look at it anew. But I'm going to try.

And I want you to go along with me. I'm not asking you to read along with me, although I would love it if you did. I'm asking you to follow my posts and comment if you feel so led. I'd love to have some great discussions and debates, no matter what your point of view is.

It's kind of a big chunk every day, at least in terms of Bible reading. It comes out to about 12 chapters a day, 5 days a week (I'm leaving the weekends as wiggle room). But the plan I'm following breaks the "chunks" into story lines. For example, the first reading covers the story of creation to the end of the story of Noah and stops right before getting into the story of Abram (Abraham).

If you get a facebook posting of this post and are not interested, please let me know. I'm sending it only to people I think might be interested in commenting/following. Don't worry, you won't hurt my feelings if you don't want to read it!