Pointless Ramblings for No Reason Other Than Entertaining Myself

Allergies are evil. Actually, to clarify, allergens are evil because they seek out people who have allergies and do everything to make their lives miserable. Fall allergens are the worst. Specifically, fall allergens in norther New Mexico are the worst. I grew up in the Midwest where I suffered most of my life with allergies and nothing growing there has affected me as bad as whatever it is that is growing here.

I hate being angry. Anger just makes me feel sick. Why anyone would want to live in a state of anger is beyond me. My goal in life is to live in peace with everyone and everything.

Unfortunately, I have children. More unfortunate, all those children have been/are/will be teenagers.

I hate my computer. Granted, it's old and really does need to be retired, so it's not really its fault, but I hate it. I got so frustrated with all the errors and problems I was having with Windows XP that I formatted the hard drive and installed Ubuntu Linux. It seemed to work OK at first, but now it "stalls". For no apparent reason, it just stops. And, when working on the Internet, clicking a link works only about a tenth of the time.

I want to kill it with a hammer. Violently.

I don't hate anyone. Well, not any individual person anyway. What I hate is stupid people. And intolerant people. And those who think they know "how things really are" based on little or no evidence.

Basically, I hate loud, bigoted people. Not so much that they are bigoted, they are free to believe what they want, but that they have to be loud about it.

I don't hate atheists. Just for the record.

Is it bad that I don't want to go to church? Well, not church in general, just the church I currently belong to. It's not a bad church, at least in terms of people. But I just don't feel like I belong there. When I'm there, I feel the same way I felt when I was in high school, that everyone is in on a private joke that I will never get.

It's probably not the church or the people there. It's probably me and my secret desire to live as a hermit.

I love it when school starts. I also hate it when school starts. My kids are out of the house! But also my wife disappears until the following summer. When she's home, she's working working working on her homework, often until the wee hours of the morning.

I don't expect her to take care of me, or anything like that, I'd just like to have her to myself a few hours a week. Is that too much to ask?

I hate where I live. I really do. We're talking about moving back to the midwest, but I don't know how we are going to pull it off. All our family is there, and there is really no reason to stay here. But I didn't really like it there either. I haven't been really happy living anywhere. Not since I was 18-19 living in the college dorm. I love my wife, I love my kids, I love my family, but I just can't find a geographic location that I can tolerate. Does that make sense?

I often worry that I'm not as intelligent as people believe me to me. I often worry that, through no fault of my own, that people perceive me as fake and phony. That they are expecting more of my than I have to give and are holding that against me.