Well, I tried.

I started another blog to try to motivate myself to post something every day. It was supposed to be a "blog like jazz" thing, just whatever came to mind. For whatever reason, those posts took the form of fiction stories that I couldn't seem to make work. Why? I don't know. But it didn't work. I wasn't motivated and I didn't write.

So I'm back to this blog, not that I ever abandoned it. This remains my main place to publish those big thoughts and issues that seem to get stuck in my head. And of course I will still occasionally publish on my family blog, all those pictures and goodness of my kids.

My problem today is, I can't think of anything. I'm in one of those moods where I feel "I should update my blogs". So I go to my blog, I open a new post, and I stare at the blank whiteness and nothing comes to mind.

Blank. Blocked. Empty. I have no ideas.What should I write about? I don't know. Right now, right this moment, I'm not feeling anything is worthy of writing about.

What does that say about me? About the world? About the state of things in my reality? Lately I've been consumed with a family issue, my health continues it's yo yo-ing thing (and the downs get to be really bad sometimes), my house needs a level of help I'm not able to provide, and honestly there is just too much going on in my corner of reality for me to care about issues of politics, condition of the world, or anything I see on facebook.

Is that bad? I would really like to share what is going on, but at the moment a lot of it is still personal. And some of it I am still violently angry about and it's probably best not to vent all that venom here. Once I've processed it better, I'll share. With permission of those involved, of course.