What is worth sharing about personal stuff and things and junk

It's been a while, hasn't it? Life and things and stuff just seems to have shifted my attention away from my blogs, so I just don't have much desire to keep it going anymore.

But today I feel like writing. So I'm writing.

My journey to "be normal" still continues. My headaches are being treated by Botox. It's helped some, but not a lot. I get about 4 less headache days a month. For some people that would be a lot, but for me that's only about 20% less. So that's some, and about 4 more days I can be productive, but .... well, there ya go.

I'm working on getting my weight under control again. It's hard without being able to commit hardcore to a diet right now, but I can do some exercise and just generally eat less. It's hard to get moving some days, but I'd really like to be able to lose 80 pounds by June next yeat.


There's a wedding!

Yes, my second child, Chenisse, is tying the knot with her beau Daniel. And guess what? I GET TO DO THE MARRYING! Yes, I am officiating. As an ordained deacon at my church, by New Mexico law I can do that. No fake ordinating on the Internet, just do the thing. I'm both excited and terrified. But I've got something like 10 months to figure it out.

What else can I tell you? Well we have a new grandbaby. Miss Rosey is about 2 months old now. We've only got to spend a little time with her, but she is sweet and adorable and healthy. School is in full swing, almost a month now. We have a 3 day weekend coming up. I still don't know why schoool starts before Labor day, but it does.It must cost a lot in AC, but oh well.